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MYS Packaging Technology Co., Ltd. (Dong Nai)

  1. Field of activity: Production and business
  2. Work Location: Road 5, Nhon Trach 3 Industrial Park-Phase 2, Nhon Trach, Dong Nai
  3. Job Type: Full-time
  4. Job position – Quantity:
  • Business Executive
  • Business Assistant
  • General manager assistant
  • Quality management director
  • Warehouse director
  • Human resources Manager
  • Data entry staff
  • Purchasing staff
  • Order tracking coordinator
  • Accountant
  1. Job requirements: Hardworking, careful, enthusiastic, eager to learn
  2. Salary – Allowances – Benefits: Negotiable based on capacity
  3. Application documents: Job application, resume, health certificate, citizen identification card (all notarized)
  4. Contact information:

Phone number: 0343165155

Email address: