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TDTU Activities

Handing over key projects of the Green Summer Campaign in Duc Pho Town, Quang Ngai Province

Implement the project contents and tasks established to be implemented in the Green Summer campaign of Ton Duc Thang Uni

Ton Duc Thang University Alumni Business Festival 2024

To support alum businesses in recruiting employees to work and intern and promote brands/products to teachers and studen


TDTU spent more than 35 billion VND providing scholarships for new students enrolling in 2024

Seminar on “Winning over the employers”

The event is organized with the purpose of creating an environment to exchange, share knowledge and provide support to students in their process of

The First Ton Duc Thang University Job Fair 2024

With the purpose of connecting employers with high-quality human resources of Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU), as well as creating an opportunity f

Seminar on “Stroke Risk Screening”

Stroke is a matter of concern today due to the increasing risk of stroke in young people.


Handing over key projects of the Green Summer Campaign in Duc Pho Town, Quang Ngai Province

Implement the project contents and tasks established to be implemented in the Green Summer campaign of Ton Duc Thang Uni

Ton Duc Thang University Alumni Business Festival 2024

To support alum businesses in recruiting employees to work and intern and promote brands/products to teachers and studen


TDTU spent more than 35 billion VND providing scholarships for new students enrolling in 2024

Seminar on “Winning over the employers”

The event is organized with the purpose of creating an environment to exchange, share knowledge and provide support to students in their process of

The First Ton Duc Thang University Job Fair 2024

With the purpose of connecting employers with high-quality human resources of Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU), as well as creating an opportunity f

Seminar on “Stroke Risk Screening”

Stroke is a matter of concern today due to the increasing risk of stroke in young people.